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Preparing for Employment in Hong Kong
Foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) help Hong Kong families with household chores and taking care of their children and elderly members, thereby allowing more family members to go out and work.
FDHs contribute significantly to Hong Kong’s economic development and our families welcome FDHs to come here to work.

As an FDH, you have to work in Hong Kong
for a two-year contract. It is therefore useful for
you to have a basic understanding of Hong Kong,
such as its climate, customs and culture, lifestyle, etc.,
so that you can get prepared for living and working here.
Knowing Hong Kong

Living in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a vibrant and densely populated cosmopolitan
city. City life here may be quite different from that in your home country.

Civic responsibilities
As a member of the community, you should observe civic responsibilities as well as other social norms in public areas (e.g. do not spit and litter, do not talk loudly in public areas, refrain from eating on public transport, etc.). You are also advised to follow general etiquettes in public, such as queuing up on public transport.
Please contact our consultants for details on our services and pricing.
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