Application Notes and conditions
Needs and expectations of Hong Kong families

An FDH’s scope of duties varies according to the needs of individual families. In general, you will be assigned to handle domestic duties such as cleaning, cooking, serving meals, dishwashing, etc. Some employers may require FDHs to do groceries, take care of elderly persons and/or children, baby-sit, etc. Before accepting a job as an FDH, you should find out about the details of the job and its requirements.
You can do so by asking your potential employer or employment agency (EA) for information. This will help you know more about the needs and expectations of your potential employer before you take up the employment.
Hong Kong is a very fast-paced city that values efficiency.
Employers expect tasks to be completed in a timely manner.
Families with working parents
are common in Hong Kong. You would be expected to handle
different domestic duties independently.
Various electrical and cooking appliances like vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, microwaves, ovens, blenders, etc. are commonly used in Hong Kong households.
You should follow the instruction manual or learn from employers the safe and proper use of the appliances.
Hygiene Awareness
Hong Kong people are generally concerned about household and personal hygiene. They may expect the same from you. Since expectations and standards of employers vary, you should observe and follow your employers’ requirements.
Is working in Hong Kong suitable for you?
Have you travelled or worked overseas before?
Will someone take care of your family members, such as your parents and/or children while you are working in Hong Kong?
How well do you adapt to a new environment?
Are you prepared to live and work in your employer’s residence?
Can you work independently?
Have you already acquired sufficient job skills as an FDH like cooking, baby-sitting, etc.? If not, will you consider receiving some further training before coming to Hong Kong?
Do you know a little English or Cantonese? If not, will you consider taking language courses?